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Turning the Process Inward: MY BRAND RENOVATION

October 27, 2023
Vandamm Interiors logo

I encourage my clients to embrace change to fully express who they are and the way they

work, exercise, explore, entertain and have fun. It’s part of my onboarding process to ask

questions, carefully listen and analyze to transform vague ideas, needs, passions and

goals into a functional design. Yet after many years, I had not taken a step back to

examine whether my own visual presentation, my brand, was truly aligned with how my

business goals and personal experience had evolved. I was ready for a marketing

makeover to align with the growth that I aspire to for Vandamm Interiors.

Here are roots of the fresh design:

Like my design outlook, my new logo has its foundation in Vandamm tradition — but

with new, unexpected and some paradoxical twists. It’s intended to be luxe without being

inaccessible. Playful and lively yet still solid. Colorful and bold. Connected to natural

movement. It is flexible enough to display a mix of moods from cool and chic, to warm

and inviting.

To accompany the visual identity, my team and I spent time finding the right words to

describe me, my values and my services vividly. To those who know me and how I work,

I hope “Curated Global Style” sparks recognition. I encourage you to peruse my

continuously developing website for more that we have written about the Vandamm

Interiors of 2023 and forward.

It takes time for a house to feel like home. Likewise, I am breaking in the new look. Hope

you like it and will accompany me on the next leg of my professional journey!